The Tanzanian aquaculture sector has great potential. The market demand for fish is overwhelming however not fully met by supply. This presents a challenge to food security but also a business opportunity for fish farming.
Impact cluster project was built to unlock this potential in a sustainable and profitable way, combining our powerful aquaculture solutions with market requirements. Our partnership brings a powerful mix of knowledge, practical skills and technology to the table. Enabling fish farmers to overcome farming constraints and increase the yield of high quality fingerlings and fish.
We demonstrate aquaculture solutions on a real-life demonstration fish farm Bigfish in Tanzania. Our recirculation based technology has been specifically developed for the East African aquaculture sector. Its closed and compact design offers full control of the culture environment, enables production in urban areas and efficient use of inputs such as feed and water.
The objective of Impact Cluster is to demonstrate the effectiveness and market potential of an RAS fish farm in Tanzania and to develop the local aquaculture sector. This contributes to the development of local production capacity, resulting in a positive spin-off in terms higher production, improved productivity, demonstrated RAS application, improved technical capacity, more efficient markets and local entrepreneurship.
The aim of this Aquaculture Training course project is to launch and implement an aquaculture-specific training course which will equip first-time managers with the skills and knowledge necessary to be effective team leaders and to be able to train new employees on a basic as well as an advanced aquaculture farm level.
This project will lead to specific teaching materials based on a ‘one-point-lesson’ methodology. Each course will describe one specific subject on a basic (operator) level, as well as an advanced (manager) level.
Our solution will be demonstrated in Tanzania from 2019 onwards and aims to inspire entrepreneurial minds to get involved in fish farming. We believe that successful fish farming goes beyond purchasing individual solutions but lies in providing the full package and adopting an integrated approach.
Our project is supported by the Netherlands Government through the Impact Cluster initiative. We work in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Dar es Salaam.
Aquaculture Training Course made by F.J. Aartsen, A.M.J. van den Dop
Editor M.M. Vogel
Framework Impact Cluster Tanzania
Date of publication 01-05-2020
Reference PO6 2019 – The Netherlands
Contact Holland Aqua BV, (MSc. Frans Aartsen)
Til-Aqua International BV, (Drs. Hanneke van den Dop)
This training material is prepared for the sole purpose of providing the project members and attendants of the Basic Hatchery and Basic Growout and Advanced training courses with information on broad range of hatchery and grow-out topics.
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This publication is for information only and on the express understanding that it should neither be regarded as comprehensive nor should it be used in the place of professional advice.
All Rights reserved 2020 Holland Aqua BV, The Netherlands